He was ranting that Jailbait was possessed by the devil and that he saw a green door. Survived absorbing the power of Pandora's box, which is equal to 133.45 x Hercules maximum output while holding back (from Incredible Hulks #629). Bruce, grew up as a highly withdrawn, intellectually gifted youth, in fact, a child prodigy. The Hulk even managed to reach Mars' orbit with a single bound (from Avengers Vol 5 #24.NOW). Most likely the greatest AQW Private Server in existence, top MMORPG online game on the galaxy, join today! [7], A malevolent entity that resides in the Below-Place - the deepest layer of Hell, the One Below All is an aspect of the One Above All that serves as the One Above All's dark counterpart. [5] He is also omnipresent (as all things are mere extensions of himself),[30] and omniscient (as he knows everything),[30] and is above all cosmic powers and abstract entities, even the Living Tribunal. Survived energy rays which were potent enough to change the orbit of an entire planet (from Tales to Astonish #89). As Doc Green, he received martial arts training from the expert martial artist Daniel Rand (from Hulk Vol 3 #12). Only dark and terrible impulses". Amazing Fantasy #15 (Spider-Man's First Appearance), Tales of Suspense #39 (Iron Man's First Appearance), Incredible Hulk #181 (Wolverine's First Appearance). Speed: Supersonic+ (Should be faster than Jeff The Killer who can dodge point-blank gunfire with ease) Lifting Ability: At least Peak Human Striking Ability: Wall Class Durability: Wall Level (Can no sell attacks from other proxies who vastly exceed people like Jeff The Killer and Jane The Killer) Bruce died, but the Gamma Bomb had created a metaphysical barrier called the Green Door that connected Earth with the Below-Place, the bottom layer of the Multiverse. One of the Hulk's sons, Hiro-Kala, has the power to throw a planet at the earth with planet-busting force with the use of two power sources known as the "old-power" and "new-power" but the Hulk resists his power (from. Caught a sniper bullet with his teeth (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #43). Literally rips off half his head and heals it back (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #446). TOBA used that opportunity to take over Bruce as his vessel and destroy the whole Multiverse through him. Well it turns out that hes got a lot of different powers and abilities and some of them will definitelysurprise you. He's a veritable blast furnace of limitless organic energy! The Hulk withstands and shrugs off the blasts of the Celestial Order guardians who were empowered by the Heart of the Universe, blasts that destroyed Namor and Dr. For that you have to go way back to Incredible Hulk issue #1. Bruce Banner was separated from the Hulk and Brian Banner started working right away at preparing Hulks body for TOBA. For months, the Hulk has been channeling the power of two Universes (from Heroes Reborn: The Return Vol 1 #4). Threw the easily multi-story tall Fin Fang Foom into the moon (from Hulk Vs Fin Fang Foom #1). Zom is a being that had to be imprisoned by Eternity (from World War Hulk #4). They are themselves, but they are also me. TOBA is an entity that resides in the Below-Place, the bottom layer of reality and the bedrock of Hell, and a dark counterpart to the One Above All. Mandarin: Even comments on the Hulk's reflexes by saying that his "reflexes are without equal!" TOBA cannot create anything, and despite playing by the universal rhythm of a game as old as time, TOBA still has goals of its own, and it uses its avatars aka gamma mutates to achieve them. Has overwhelmed threats who have overpowered him by getting angrier. 2. Hulk was ranked as 9th on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Heroes in 2011. As The Hulk, he has superhuman strength and nothing really hurts him -- from bullets to tank shells to a bomb. Dark reflection of Creation / Embodiment of Destruction. Survived a powerful lightning from Thor (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #440, Onslaught Reborn #3). [1], The One Above All's only weapon is love;[16][5][2] however, it can also manifest itself as a demonic entity called the One Below All, whose only weapon is hate. Valentina Kraljik is a writer and editor at Comic Basics with a passion for all things related to comics and their respective cinematic universes. While holding back, a thunderclap stuns Namora, Angel and the Immortal Hercules (from Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #107). Not bad, but Duelist already gets something similar and Stalwart gives you a straight +1 all the time for 1 level. Can maintain the conscience inside Bruces Mindscape as well. After Brian lashed out at his son, blaming him for his insanity, Bruce left to visit his mother's grave since it was the anniversary of her death. The Hulk is the alter-ego of Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, a renowned scientist in the fields of Biochemistry, Nuclear Physics, and Gamma Radiation. Franklin Richards, Galactus, Mister Immortal, and many other powerful beings are defeated by TOBA Hulk. (from Hulk: The Movie Adaptation). [7] In spite of this purpose, the One Below All still harbors its own goals, comparable to a 'Hulk' itself. Absorbing gamma energy from gamma bombs and briefly becoming 80 feet tall (from Incredible Hulks #635). Hulk's strength has been depicted as sometimes limited by Banner's subconscious influence; when. He also. Can hammer down an entire landscape despite it being supported by enormous pylons (from Marvel Treasury Edition #25). "The Hulk cannot tire! It helped and offered Beta Ray Bill hope when all seemed lost. During its first live test, Bruce noticed a teenager named Rick Jones driving into the testing area. He first appeared in May 1962 in thedebut issue of the incredible hulk #1, he was created by comic book industry titans, writer Stan Lee and the legendary artist Jack Kirby both of which made contributions to the creation of numerous golden and silver age of comics characters. TOBA can never interact with the physical world directly but it can use Qlippoth, gamma mutates, and subtle changes to influence the events and change the odds in its favor. Has 90% of his flesh removed by Vector, still keeps moving, then regenerates it in a few panels (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #398). It took TOBA Hulk / Breaker of Worlds ten billion years to render the universe sterile and lifeless.Alien being Par%l tried to reason with TOBA but was met with defiance, TOBA eventually devoured Par%l. [28], Duality: The One Above All is the light aspect and the embodiment of love, creation and life. Through a Green Door, Brian possessed the gamma mutate Jailbait, causing her powers to go out of control. They contain transcendentally powerful outerversal realms within them and become more powerful with each rebirth! Can survive nuclear explosions and attacks from godlike characters. And won. As the One Below All is the other face or dark side of the One Above All, the One Below All has existed before any version of the multiverse or even existence itself, and is purportedly the source of all other evil entities. My only weapon is love. world breaker hulk powers and abilities. One last thing worth mentioning was that in the first few issues the Hulk was grey skinned and not green skinned and it was mainly due to technical issues with the printing of the comics that they changed his skin colour. With Thor's rage he has been seen to shake the ten realms. However, the build doesn't have feats for disarm so who cares. He was recruited by General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross and the U.S. Army to develop the first Gamma Bomb, which would use gamma radiation (basically Satan magic) to target enemy weapons and buildings without endangering human lives. No matter what intentions or desires a being using its power (in the form of. Superhuman Speed, this one seems kind of obvious in retrospect but is still a little surprising, the Hulk can run over 300 hundred miles an hour, although as he grows angrier and more powerful, his footfalls cause more and more damage to the ground, causing the ground to break apart under him, thus giving him no traction (so it's easier to jump a As you can see from the starting points of this article, TOBA Hulk is more than an interesting character. Hulk sucks in pandora's box and absorbs it, which should give him a 133.45 power increase. The clap itself is swift enough that even catches Quicksilver off-guard (from The Order Vol 1 #3). Superhuman Leaping-. The radiation coming from the Hulk was enough to give Banner's love interest. Usually the Hulk possessed little of Banner's memory and intelligence and was easily enraged (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #1). TOBA Hulk wants to annihilate all of the universes until everything is dark, dead, and empty as he is. It's a compliment not an insult. The Hulk had dealings with the Green Door in the past, and the rest will be a summarization of the events that led to the creation of TOBA Hulk aka Hulks body possessed by The One Below All. The Hulk endured as Banner's "imaginary friend" for years. Takes a death touch designed to overload his healing factor while tanking the X-men (from World War Hulk: X-Men #1). He's just the biggest kid in all the playgrounds. He also shows incredible stamina by fighting with most of the Heroes of the Earth and defeating them inside a week, including Avengers, Fantastic Four, and Sentry who was considered the most powerful of earth's heroes. The Hulk is able to use his highly developed leg muscles to leap great distances. Can go for weeks without sleep or sustenance if he is angry. Years would pass before Bruce will be forced to destroy his own father during the Chaos War storyline. [11] Having been investigating the Below-Place and the Green Door, the Leader set out to help bring this dire future into being. Because of his healing factor that regenerates his cells, and the gamma energy he has absorbed that empowers him, the Hulk can live longer then is normal. So he wanted to make a character similar to him. Abyss-mal. Able to completely separate himself from Bruce Banner, without harming either of them. PayPal https://www.paypal.me . [3][13][1][12][14][2] The One Above All lives in the House of Ideas,[8][2] or "Heaven,"[3][15] beyond all time and space. He sends Blastaar and the armies of the Negative Zone flying (from Sentry Vol 2 #3). In the newly formed Ninth Cosmos, the One Below All used the power of the recently devoured Eternity to transform the possessed Hulk into a Galactus-like being named the "Breaker of Worlds." Discussion; Bug Reporting; Delete/Combine Pages Caught X-23 with his hands before she can react accordingly. Granted with powers and abilities similar to that of the Flash, the Reverse-Flash is unwavering in his determination to oppose and destroy all that's important to the Flash. When Brian Banner took possession of Crusher Creel he was able to tear open his upper body. [14], The One Above All encountered the Defenders, who were sent on a mission by Eternity to learn about an unknown threat, when they entered the House of Ideas. After that, the Hulk guested on other characters' comics until he was in the anthology superhero series Tales to Astonish. Look no further, here is the best place to host your website or application. Somewhat ironically, he could be a destroyer without moving a muscle, since he charges up and emitting the radiation he absorbed by simply existing. Can destroy planets just with his footsteps; Has broken a Jupiter-sized planet with his punches as Worldbreaker Hulk; The entire Dark Dimension itself was destroyed by the Hulk (from Incredible Hulks #634-635). Upon discovering Bruce Banners secret identity and the cause of his transformation, the generals extreme hatred of the Hulk would see him become the very thing he detested, and after exposing himself to Gamma radiation on purpose he became the Red Hulk. defensive parry +1, which is 1 more AC after attacking with your dueling sword. When Banner was hit with the Gamma Bomb, he opened a Green Door that led to TOBAs lowest point of reality, which then infused itself with the green monster. [7] Serving as the counterweight of the One Above All, who is the supreme manifestation of love and good, it is the ultimate personification of hatred and every form of evil there is, making it the most maleficent entity in existence. The One Above All is the source of all that is good and is a being of limitless compassion and light. Hit a Like And Subscribe To Help Out "Wanna Donate/Support? Can fight for years on end without tiring. Breaks out of Plasti-thene, something even Mjolnir can't smash. When the Silver Surfer argued that the collected Infinity Gems would make a far more potent force than the Cosmic Containment Units, the Goddess replied, "True, but the Supreme One's servant, the Living Tribunal, has ruled that the Infinity Gems may never again be used in unison." Like his healing factor, it is believed that this ability is also fueled by his rage and the madder the Hulk is, the quicker the Hulk's body will adapt. First appearing in Eternals #14 by Jack Kirby, this robotic Hulk merely emulates his flesh and blood counterpart in every way. Increasing not just his usual abilities but also on occasion his size. I hope you love the products I've recommended below, just a heads up that as an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. May the One-Above-All forgive you! Stopped all of New York City, which approximately weighs 2,394,111 tons, from sinking into the ocean. *Scott's blasts have been stated to split a small planet in half at its peak. With the space gem he was capable of damaging Gamora with the 6 infinity gems, it was stated that she can access the multiverse with only the time gem itself and can create a black hole that destroyed Devondra and the result of the black hole couldn't be stopped by 6 infinity gems (from Infinity Wars #5-6). Durability should be at least High Outerverse level (Embodies The One Above All). Comes back from a special arrow in the base of his brain in a way "no healing factor can counteract" (from Avengers Vol 1 #684). Lack of its own mind leads TOBA to possess only terrible desires, leading to destroying everything in its sight, so TOAA can rebuild and erect a new cycle and creation of the world. When the Sentience of the Eighth Cosmos came to greet what he thought was Bruce Banner, he soon discovered that that it was an elaborate trick and the One Below All-possessed Hulk then quickly devoured the being and absorbed its power.[2][21]. Fire and punches do nothing to his stomach lining (from The Irredeemable Ant-Man Vol 1 #10). The Leader proceeded to assimilate Bruce Banner and the Devil Hulk's corpse into himself, enlarging and achieving the One Below All's complete form. Originally, the Hulk was grey. The Hulk's first series was called The Incredible Hulk. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. While calm, he is capable of leaping roughly 3 miles. However, Brians soul ends up in the Below Place, and TOBA uses his soul and personality to plan on destroying all of the Multiverse, attacking Bruce Banner. Hulk can withstand anything thrown at him. Power Stone Controls all of the power in the universe. New Comics. It was also stated by Dr. As World Breaker Hulk, destroyed the East side of Las Vegas just by being angry. Heals from being turned to a skelton & dissected (from Immortal Hulk #7-8). The Hulk has consistently faced warriors with experience in combat, such as Thor, the Executioner, and Hercules (from Hulk: Let the Battle Begin #1, Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #102, As the Green Scar, he has had training in multiple combat arms, including broadswords, spears, and battle shields (from. From the Immortal Hulk comic book storyline, you can imagine how TOBA Hulk is powerful. It and its power are only capable of altering or destroying. Gladiator -, Physically contended with and Hyperion, and, Full power devil hulk scales to a nerfed version of the One Below All who is ". Shattering the M.O.D.O.K's Adamantium and steel alloy armor by just flexing his muscles (from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 #167). Don't worry. Punched through a time barrier during a battle against Zarrko (from Indestructible Hulk #15). TOBAs parting words were. Not to mention that The One Below All is stronger when it feels the anger and sorrow of others. Almost breaking the East Coast and also threatening to break the entire planet by the emission of raw energy from his body (from World War Hulk #5). , intellectually gifted youth, in fact, a thunderclap stuns Namora, Angel and the of. X-Men # 1 ) Below all is stronger when it feels the anger and sorrow others... Vegas just by being angry 5 # 24.NOW ) Basics with a passion for all things to! Bruce noticed a teenager named Rick Jones driving into the ocean was by! 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