Getting the Corrupt Gold Dragon route is made by making two specific decisions during the second part of the Gold Dragon quest (covered below). I got the staff council after I use this below edit to get Military/Diplomacy/Leadership to rank 2. Coordinates with the County of San Bernardino to improve access to elections and increase voter participation. There are several ways that this encounter can go. An army cannot be considered viable until it has decent scouting capabilities. If you refuse, Shamira will sic some guards and gladiators on you, and Lauliegh will help you to arrive at Nocticula's palace to confront the conspirators. The three requests are: You only actually need to run one of the errands to advance if you refuse the other two. Show that you have the spirit of a Gold Dragon (or at least Hal's idea of a Gold Dragon) by sparing the cultist. ", All units gain "Unit has a +1 bonus to attack and damage for every melee attack (maximum +3)." It also enables some unique interactions, but since Gold Dragon comes so late, there isn't a lot for it to interact with. If you make the True Aeon changes, he will appear when you return to the present and give you the level 1 Mythic Suppression ability, which you should already haveyeah his reward is kind of useless. You could think of it as the Azata path emphasizing Good over Chaos. I assume it wouldn't since she just has to hide for a year to make sure she doesn't die a second time, but figured I'd check. If you fail, you are stuck with your original Mythic Path. If you wait for Galfrey, you get the same basic attack on the Fane as all the other mythic paths. To unlock Lich, you need to first find Wand of Zacharius in the caverns beneath Leper's Smile. Normal Aeon route - Pass the first two skill checks or one of the first two skill checks and the third (third skill check doesn't appear if you pass both). - Choose to make your own instrument or don't restore the Bell of Mercy. Join us and fight the demons to your heart's content." Order the crusade's craftsmen to improve the relic. John graduated from Montclair High School in 1983 and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and a Master of Arts degree in Public Administrationboth degrees earned from California State University at San Bernardino. Only once it has liberated significant swathes of land will the army no longer need to fear sudden attacks on its headquarters. This can be done after either sacrificing Areelu or yourself (with different ending slides for both). Before his election to the City Council, John served on the Montclair Planning Commission. You'll get attacked once the ritual is done. If you side with Shamira, she will decide you are not worth keeping around and betray you for making her suicidal plan actually work. You must choose to sing to unlock Azata. Afterwards, you'll be sent to the Dragon Burial Ground. During the road trip you will have to make a pit stop to talk with "Meliss," but that is covered in a different section. This +1 quarterstaff grants a +3 enhancement bonus to the weapons of the monsters summoned by the wielder using animate dead and create undead spells. This leads to quest failure, not completion. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The requirement for the ending is to have hit Level 8 in Lich (corresponding to Mythic Level 10). If Regnard was not trained, then he will be dead. The Legend unique option is to sever your connection with the soul Areelu implanted in you in order to close the Worldwound without anyone needing to die (although you are able to kill Areelu). Choices that have no variable changes are labelled as "True.". After the battle, you get to judge the ragtag team that attacked you. Quests can provide unique adventuring experience, as well as powerful gears and treasures. You'll have one more quest in Chapter 5. ", (Evil) [Requires Dragon Mythic Path] "I vow to serve Dahak, now and forever! These events are referred to as Rank-Up events in the code, so they'll be referred to as such. The route doesn't actually change much other than five dialogue lines and one ending slide. Every Mythic path gets unique benefits to their army, and the Aeon is no different. All generals gain +2 to Power and +1 Energy recovery. Yet while fiends stalked the streets, a more insidious rebellion unfolded below. You do get a couple of items though: Legendary is available to everyone, at least in theory. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. If you are on the evil route, you can transition into the Devil Mythic Path by agreeing to the offer. Hell's Vengeance, the eighteenth Pathfinder Adventure Path campaign takes place six years after the conclusion of the Council of Thieves Adventure Path. Bring Yaniel to fight against Minagho. If the affected creature passes its saving throw, it is only pushed away for 5 feet and becomes slowed down for 1 round. Shamira who will have mythic powers if you told her about the crystals will invite you to join her with promises of ruling over the city once she is successful. So part of the events of the Angel Mythic Path is assembling a sentai team. Failure Aeon - Fail both skill checks or just choose let him make the mistake again. How you handle these potential allies will be what determines which of the three routes you end up on. If you attack with the Free Crusaders then you'll get reinforcements from all the groups you have recruited to your island (note: Child Crusaders only join you in battle if you choose their chaos option). The City Clerk is the local official who administers democratic processes such as elections, access to City records, and all legislative actions ensuring transparency to the public. In the (normal) ending, there are slides for Staunton and Terendelev if you saved them. The game does not seem to even recognize that you have done so. It's unclear which results will allow you to make the judgment, but presumably he needs to survive. Impossible geography aside, they are going to find a way. At the beginning of events on your island in Chapter 5, there is an ability to change from the Chaos or Evil route to the True route. Water Committee Report for the 2016 Fall Council Meeting. All generals +10 mov, +1 Atk, +1 Def, +3 Pow, All units immune to mental status effects (not sure if this is working as I swear I've had troops dominated), and gain a repeatable decree for Water Elementals, All units immune to physical status effects, and gain a repeatable decree for Fire Elementals, All units get +1 AC for every adjacent unit, All units get +1-3 to attack based on resource stockpiles, All units melee counter with 1d6+3 damage, Gain repeatable decree for Air Elementals, Gain repeatable decree for EarthElementals, All generals gain Bane of Demons, every demon take ((powerxpower+5)d6 damage every turn, doesn't work? You can skip a single sacrifice and still undergo the ritual, but Zacharius will not be happy. If you successfully change the timeline, you can speak to a few characters about the timeline change. Once you are summoned, you will undergo torture. In addition, once per day, whenever the wearer's health falls below 0, it is restored to a maximum. The Azata unique ending is for you crash your island into the former Worldwound in order to jumpstart the restoration process. On the same line you will see the same thing for Diplomacy, Leadership, and Logistics do the same thing as with military save it, Once you exit out of the player.json it will say you something changed and ask if you want to save it to the archive press yes, exit out of the archive start the game back up and load the save you edited. If you are on the True Azata route, your team of misfits will succeed with the power of nakama. You can ignore all the stuff about the trial as that is Aeon to Devil specific. The priority of NPCs handling each rank up event according to the comments for the rank up events are listed here: In the final approach to Threshold, all of the freeloaders will join you in battle and be around for the outdoors fight after you enter. John is passionate about the communitys welfare, and has focused the City Councils attention on a number of vital public issues, including: This content is for decoration only skip decoration. So it's probably easiest to keep track yourself (manually). The one you side with is the one that will be taken. After learning about Nahyndrian crystals, you will be sent to investigate how you can weaken your soul. If Ruin's wielder is lawful, it grants them a +6 bonus on concentration checks. (4) Elusive Nature - Azata can grant one companion immunity to prone condition and immunity to combat maneuvers for one round per caster level. This +2 quarterstaff grants the wielder ability to cast the burning arc spell at will as a 5th level wizard. Again you have to accept the collect call if you want to advance the Mythic Quest. The quest will have you is to find his three disciples Ilkes, Aranka, and Thall (also known as Wallflower). . To do that, you need to pass either a Religion check or a Perception check to figure out that they are cultists and not crusaders. Based on the side quests you did in Chapter 3, the following will be the status of the NPCs: There is a variable for PuluraFall_LiveCaptiveCounter; if it is 2 or more when you finish up at Pulura's Fall, then you'll get an army of 8 Arcanists. Additionally, there is one Aeon specific slide about the axiomatics that changes based on whether you are a True Aeon or not. when confronting Nocticula about lying to you (NoctLieTyranny), -1 Submit to Shamira when she tries to read your mind, -1 Refuse the Profane Gift; probably an oversight, -1 When on trial for killing Ar-Mikheth, choose to control your anger, admit that you were ordered, or that you consider yourself to be a demon. Each of these choices will unlock an additional buff that you get when resting at the base/island. The options are: If you change nothingnothing changes. The map is vast and they help uncover a lot. Regnard will ask you to recover a sword for him. quest section for more details). There are two tracked variables: MythicAzata_OrangeEvilCounter and MythicAzata_RedEvilCounter. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Serves as the Filing Officer for Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) designated City employees. During the Council there will be a Mythic option to suggest opening more portals. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, Middlegame | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki, All Quests in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, A Talk with Wenduag in the Place of Savamelekh's Demise, Drezen vs. If the Spinner dies, you might not. Enjoy reliving the first few minutes of the game as the game apparently saved all of your choices in the first dialogue. - Side with Olla to create a prismatic spring or don't recruit the Treants. It has a base DC of 25. Completing them is optional and there is no reward I can see for completing all of them. Once you answer Yozz's summons, you will be brought into a conspiracy to dethrone Nocticula. Eliandra/Katair - Complete the Chapter 4 quest to save the one you sided with in Chapter 3. If you convince them to join you, they will give an additional bonus after the quest. When you have to talk to the mirror for quests you will also find out what it thinks, but it will usually only tell you True Aeon or and lump Renegade and Devil with the same response. There may be more than those listed below. There appear to be a few judgments that didn't make it into the game (probably a good thing as adding all of them would have been too many). This +1 flaming quarterstaff grants the wielder an ability to cast fireball spell 3 times per day as 8th level wizard. All cavalry gain "An opponent damaged by this unit receives -1 penalty to AC (maximum -3). Baphomet!"" Additionally, for 6,000 gold you can buy Shadowblood. You get the feature when your route is locked in at the end of Chapter 3. The cost of recruiting mercenary units increases by 100%) and project for 2 Copper Dragons, 3 Brass Dragons, 2 Bronze Dragons, 1 Gold Dragon and 1 Silver Dragon. Now you can visit Hal for another side quest, with even worse rewards. If Ruin's wielder is chaotic, it grants them a +4 bonus to spell penetration. If you agree to help out, you'll head off to confront Nocticula. To get the Corrupt Dragon Route say: Once you have found Jharsygax, return to Hal in Drezen to gain your 9th Mythic Level. For this phase, you need to judge two people again, but you have three options to choose from. If you convince her, she will stop the doppelganger and you can throw it out of the city, imprison it, or kill it. You get it if you have 2 or more points on the MythicAzata_ChaosCounter and do not meet the requirements for being an Evil Azata. Can the PCs return order and shatter the. If you choose to kill them both, then Zacharius will reward you with a project for an army buff to all undead units, Glyphs of Runelord Zutha ("Unit has a +1 bonus to attack and AC, and a +10% bonus to damage."). Keeping the imitation priests will give your standard skeleon and standard zombie units Urgathoa's Patronage (+1 profane AC bonus). View Page. Chaos + 1, "I'll let you join on the conditions Early Sunset mentioned. This will unlock the path (technically it is unlocked when you start the path, so stop it from locking). Thall can be found in Market Square after finding Aranka. The best option is to always lean into ones that grant experience points, rank ups, money, or some type of passive bonus. This time our time travel does not take us to a major event, but to a meeting between Areelu and two of her minions. Seventy years ago, the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune defeated its rivals in a bloody civil war following the death of the god of humanity, bringing order to the war-torn nation of Cheliaxbut at a price. Afterwards, the quest can continue with attempting to get him into the guard. So think of this one as just for roleplaying. So go with whatever you feel like. If you want to stretch the definition, there is the "cancelled-Legend" route where you decide to return to your original Mythic path giving up on Legend, but you don't get to finish your original Mythic path so that seems like a waste. The two routes are the good-leaning Angel of Salvation route and the law-leaning Angel of Retribution route which are determined based off of Salvation and Retribution counter. (5) Burst of Sonic Energy - Azata creates bolts that deal 1d6 sonic damage per 2 caster levels to all adjacent creatures and half her caster level sonic damage to all creatures in a 10-foot area. Please see the Azata guide for details on how that process works. Doing so will give him the state of "OK.". The information presented herein is common knowledge, especially to characters who call Cheliax home. I think that's what killed Alinythia. It also grants the wielder a +4 bonus to caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance, and a +5 competence bonus to Use Magic Device skill checks. Once you become an Angel full-time, you will get a visit from Inheribro who will take you to Pulura's Fall to get their help in finding a missing angel. they do usually show you what your choices will give you in the end, but in general choosing offensive over defensive options are your better choice. It is possible to miss both the first and second council meetings. The war cannot be won from behind Drezen's walls. This +3 quarterstaff grants its wielder the ability to cast waves of fatigue spell three times per day as a 9th level wizard, and ray of enfeeblement spell at will as a wizard of level equal to the wielder's character level. Go out and hunt down Elyanka and Septimus. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. At this point you will be converted into an undead gaining HP from Charisma and Undead Immunities. The unique Gold Dragon ending is the player leaving the Worldwound open while dedicating their live to guarding it. Likely requires killing Minagho. Each council member will have two skill checks that allows you mess with them. After the Council meeting, you'll be sent back to the Abyss to kill Shamira and collect her essence. To ensure there are sufficient mounted scouts for the army, the Commander must erect a building for keeping battle mounts in Drezen. well, there definitely ARE council choices that are significantly better than others. Each council member will have two skill checks that allows you mess with them. Additionally, anyone who attempts to side with Shamira and has Nocticula's Profane Gift must pass a Will save. Yaniel will reveal a lottable location with a key. - Move the Bell of Mercy to the Island (requires restoring the bell). Nocticula will be the one technically holding court. He'll tell you about Terendelev's Lair. So delegate that task to the rest of the crusaders while you go off and kill things. You should be able to talk to either Irabeth, Anevia, or both as well. Giving him the sword or not does not appear to impact his fate. Orange + 1, "Perfect. Needs to survive or not does not seem to even recognize that you when! 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