"https://secure" : "http://edge") + ".quantserve.com/quant.js"; (CD), of Charleston, MA (Updated 22 Feb 2020), Original List of Dunbar Prisoners Profiles, yDNA Study (updates in progress 24 Feb 20), Durham University Scottish Soldiers Project, 35 Scots at Lynn 1653, Iron Works Inventory, Bravender/Braband/Brebner/Brabiner, Alexander, Forbes/Furbush/Farbish/Furbish/Farsbush/Farbuish, John (2), Forbes/Furbish/Furbush/Forbush/Ferbush,William, Livingstone/Levingstone/Lewiston/Levestoon, Daniel. As a young ma https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/54698137/john-wattles#view-photo=157220557. Between 1650 and 1775, many thousands of Scots were banished to the American colonies for political, religious, or criminal offenses. Now autosomal DNA (like the Family Finder test, or popular tests from other companies) is the most common type of DNA test and many people ask to join the Project using autosomal tests. elem.async = true; We can either copy our records onto paper or deliver them to you digitally, Visit us in Kew to see original documents or view online records for free, Consider paying for Your history of Alexander Gordon is wrong. James Adams went with Giffard's acrt and team. (LLNV)Rose, Roger. A list of the passengers of the John and Sara is given in the Suffolk Deed Records, book 1. pp. Many perished of hunger or disease on the march, though some escaped. Auburn burial plot, By Bill Ilott from Boston, USA https://www.flickr.com/photos/bostonphotosphere/4185723469/ Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, MA, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10902508. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events.Sign up, All content is available under the Open Government Licence Even if you think you share some DNA with someone else who is also descended from a SPOW, the segments will be extremely small, and cannot be used to make a definitive case. The names of these 272 prisoners have survived in time, many of those who survived their terms of indentured labour would settle in the colonies, and have living descendants today. Smith : 5 Denis McIntyre: Neither married. John Curmuckhell died not long after. were the Grant brothers, Peter and James. to retrieve any portion of the site. Late servant. 62 went to John Giffard, the agent for the Undertakers of The Iron Works of Lynn (Saugus). Most of the Scots were hired out to other employers and went to colliers. (CD), of Taunton, MA, and Block Island, RI;yDNA StudyCanade/Kennedy. Three thousand men died in battle, and 10,000 taken prisoner. Such as were sick of scurvy or other diseases have not wanted physick and chyrurgery. On 1 July 1706 he was killed by Indians. Isla Bryson, who transitioned from a man to a woman while awaiting trial for raping two women in 2016 and 2019, was sentenced Tuesday to eight years in prison in Scotland. (LLNV)Thompson, George. (IWI)3. (LLNV), 1662: Kittery, MaineBean,John. A similar list for the second fleet, which left in 1789 and suffered 278 deaths during its voyage, is included in The Second Fleet Convicts, compiled and edited by R J Ryan. Yes, indenture WAS slavery. It gives orders for the transportation of Jacobite prisoners in Liverpool Castle to plantations in America and provides instructions for the care of sick prisoners, 29 February 1716 (SP 35/5/13). A Common Man's Survival After Being Captured at the Battle of Dunbar and Sold into Servitude in America In the winter of 1650-51, one hundred fifty ragged and hungry Scottish prisoners of war arrived at Massachusetts Bay Colony, where they were sold as indentured laborers for 20 to 30 pounds each. His wife's name was Sisey. I suggest you refer to the records of NEHGS, where in the 1860s Recording Secretary George Augustus Gordon reports Alexander won his freedom in court. (CD), of Boston?, MABogle,Alexander. which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device By October 23rd, the council was ordered to stop the project until is was confirmed that the Scots were not being sent anywhere where they could be dangerous. colonial ancestor you may have received a small segment from. The Covenanter Risings of the later 17th century led to around 1,700 Scots being expelled as enemies of the state, and the Jacobite Rebellions of 1715 and 1745 resulted in an additional 1,600 men, women, and children being banished to the colonies. Among the men who were sent to the sawmills of Berwick along with other workers from the Iron Work. If you are descended from a SPOW, you are likely to be descended from other colonial Americans too, and so you cannot be sure whichcolonial ancestor you may have received a small segment from. (CD), of Kittery, ME and Dover, NHFresell/Frizzell,James. Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations, 1650-1775, Rezensionen werden nicht berprft, Google sucht jedoch gezielt nach geflschten Inhalten und entfernt diese. Nyven Agnew also called niven Agmeau and niven the Sct was taxed in Dover, in 1659. * PLATFORM OR CMS. Founder of Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild However, by the time the Scots arrived in Boston, they were in poor health. Livingstone, John. JAMES TAYLOR/TAILOR, was born in Scotland, possibly about 163 Scottish Prisoners of War Society They worked as woodcutters to supply the wood to make charcoal, or as forge hands, as blacksmiths, as miners and farmhands. (CD)McFarland, Purdie. They arrived in Boston in December. A list is available through the Findmypast () search page, though not all the documents mentioned are available online. Convict censuses, musters, pardons and tickets of leave, including series HO 10, HO 11 and CO 209/7, can be searched at ancestry.com.au (). In about 1676 he administered the estate of John Barry and he lived on that same land in Kittery. fot fo the West Indies where yow are to deliver them to Mr. Charles Rich to be disposed of by him for the Joinet accont of the frightr's & so to be Retou'ned home in stocke vndevided thus desiring wee remajme your loving friends Sinatum et Recognitum John Beex Rob't Rich Will Greene in pneia Jo Nottock: notar Publ; 13 May 1652 Entred & Recorded Edward Rawson Recorder. (IWI), of Lynn, MA (Updated 24 Feb 2020)Dowty [Doughty],Thomas. _qevents.push({ Trevor Schakohl on February 28, 2023. The conditions in which Becx and Foote, took the Scots was a commercial venture . v3.0, except where otherwise stated, https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/education/prisoners-after-culloden-sp-54-32-41c.mp3, Friends of The National The History of The Town of Durham New Hampshire, Source Historical and genealogical Reg, N.E.H.G. Search criminal registers for England and Wales (HO 26 and HO 27), 1791 to 1892, on Ancestry.co.uk (). The American Revolution of 1776 meant that transportation to North America was no longer possible. Scottish Emigration to Ireland [edit | edit source] Australia . We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. However, letting them go could prove to be very dangerous. What a scoop. (CD), possibly Hugh STEWARD/STUARD of Falmouth/Yarmouth and Chatham, Barnstable, Massachusetts?Stewart, James. } catch(err) {}. (CD)Purdie, John. (CD), of Cambridge, MAMcCoy, John. Approximately 15 Scots worked there. He wrote, , Augustine Walker, paid five pounds for each man and sold them for 20 to 30 pounds, first successful iron works in the colonies, Maine white pine trees, needed for the British Navy, Nicholas Lissen bought him and six other Scottish POWs, Recommended Scholars and litterature on medieval slavery in Europe. In the absence of official Scottish passenger lists for the period, he initially derived his information from the records of the Privy Council of Scotland, the High Court of Justiciary, Treasury and State Pagers, and prison records, the sources of the majority of extant information available on the Scots who were banished to the colonies prior to 1775. Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy; please independently verify all data. (CD)Gordon,James. Kemble sold others in Exeter, N.H., and in Durham, where he partnered with Valentine Hill. Contact details can be found using find an archive. It is likely that most descendants will not have any detectable autosomal DNA from ancestors this far back in time. Exactly one year after the Battle of Dunbar, Cromwells much larger force defeated 16,000 mostly Scottish army at Worcester, England. 1671 he had a grant of upland, at York Bridge. Alexander Maxwell, was at The Great Works in 1654 when relations between him and the English master turned violent. (CD), Woburn, MABruce, James. (IWI), of Lynn, MALivingstone/Levingstone/Lewiston/Levestoon, Daniel. There were 4000 dead, 10,000 captured, and 4000 more escaped. Oliver Wendell Holmes, the poet, was sixth in descent from him. (CD), of Barnstable, MACone, Daniel. If you are descended from a SPOW, you are likely to be descended from other colonial Americans too, and so you cannot be sure. (CD)Forbes/Furbush/Farbish/Furbish/Farsbush/Farbuish, John (2). For this kind of project, the genealogical information you provide is as important as the DNA you test. (LLNV)Patterson, Edward. Today is nowhere as near as large and a Historical Site. (CD), of Kittery, MEGrant/Graunt,James (2). (IWI), Lynn and Salem, MAGrimes, Henry. Maxwell, eventually became a well-to-do taven Keeper. (CD), 1659: Dover, NH; Maine, Believed to have died childless.Anderson,Archibald. Most are records of trials, and though a few can be searched by name you will usually need to know where and when the trial took place: This information has been digitised from many different records. John Paul (IWI), of Oyster River, NH and Kittery, ME; yDNA StudyGrant, Thomas, (1). It's corect. In America today there are many who believe themselves descendants of these men, and DNA will be used to explore family links between them. (function() { // REQUIRED CONFIGURATION VARIABLE: EDIT THE SHORTNAME BELOW Slavery is forever. After 1718, approximately 60,000 convicts, dubbed "the King's passengers," were sent from England to America. His ancestor, Alexander Gordon,arrived in the colonies in 1652 as a political prisoner. (CD)Guthrie/Gutridg, Robert. unmarried and childless.Brown,Henry. The microfiche index to the New South Wales convict indents and ships, compiled by the Genealogical Society of Victoria, can be consulted in our reading rooms. Scotch Prisoners sent to Massachusetts in 1652 (this presents the names in order as given) The John and Sarah 1651-1652 ( also presents the names in order as given) Jeam Macarory first appears in Dedham records of the 11th day of the 12th month, 1660 when he was taxed 11 shillings. The best practice is to leave your results in the project to accumulate matches over time. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events.Sign up, All content is available under the Open Government Licence The infusion of Scottish blood into the New England and Virginian population was to provide the United States with a very rich genetic base for their further development. Some men were shot because they either could not or would not march. Please keep this updated as you discover new information. British Convicts In American Colonies. ], they lived in Oyster River. (CD), of Oyster River and Great Island, NH; Kennebec, MEMiller, Games [James]. Descendants of the Scottish POWs from the Battles of Dunbar and Worcester have a web site. s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date()); Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown] Not many people know that between 1718 and 1775 over 52,000 convicts were transported from the British Isles to America, mainly to Maryland and Virginia, to be sold as slaves to the highest bidder. James Taylor (b c 1630 - d 27 October 1703) from the Scottish Prisoners of War Society (CD)Orr, James. (LLNV),Hampton, NHBurbean/Burbeen,John. (CD), of Bradford, Ipswich, Newbury and Rowley, MA.Stewart, Hugh. George Grey and wife Sarah Cooper had five children. (CD), of Lynn, MAWilson, William. The remainder were sold to local residents. The first edition of this work has been enlarged by the addition of fresh material, particularly from American sources but also from more obscure sources in Scotland. The court said if there were any more problems with Maxwell, the master could sell him off to Virginia or Barbados or any other English plantation. (CD), of Charlestown, MA and Middletown, CT;yDNA StudyBravender/Braband/Brebner/Brabiner, Alexander. John Barber was taxed at Dover 1659. If all of the Kelts From Ireland, Scotland,Wales and Cornwall fought together, Cromwell would have been defeated and Charles 11 would have kept his head! Hi Admin , King Charles was born in Dunfermline , Fife , Scotland not Edinburgh . One solution: deport them to New England, Virginia and Barbados. It was reported he stayed in Canada and converted to Catholicism. In 1656, Thomas Kemble spent two hours in the stocks for kissing his wife on Sunday. Dec, 26,1660 , he bought land from John Pearce of Yorke. James mackall, John Mackshane, and Thomas Tower became forge hands under John Vinton, John Turner jr, , Henry Leonard and Quenten Prey. (CD), of South Berwick, ME:yDNA StudyCorser,Hercules. Technically they signed contracts agreeing to indentured servitude, but in reality most spoke Gaelic and many couldnt read or write. The head of the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) has refused to reveal who made the decision to send transgender double rapist Isla Bryson to a women's prison after a furious row over Nicola Sturgeon . Gordon complained to the court of ill-treatment and petitioned for his freedom, apparently without success. It is a profound and self-serving insult to the enslaved Native Americans and Africans who, along with their children and family members, were truly slaves and disposable property for generation. Thomas, (LLNV), of Scarborough, MaineChisholm, Duncan. Petitions could be on behalf of persons convicted in courts of any level and for sentences ranging from a few weeks imprisonment to death. Facebook or Yahoo. with any of these companies then you can create an account (CD), of Cambridge and Marlborough, MAForbes, James. (CD), of Braintree and Hingham, MA; yDNA StudyDunsmore [Moore], James. In 1698 he had a grant of land, 50 acres,in Eastern Massachusetts. They had three sons, one of which was Joseph who was a soldier at Crown Point in 1726. (CD),McLachlan, Robert. (CD), of York, MEGrant/Graunt, James (3) the Drummer, (LLNV), of Dover, NH; York, ME.Grant/Graunt, James (4). 09:00 to 17:00. His father left him half his property in hopes that he might return, but he never did. This project will be of interest to people who have tested Y-DNA (for themselves or a family member) and who are, or believe you may be: The Battles of Dunbar (1650) and Worcester (1651). This project aims to research and discover more about the fates and descendants of those Scottish prisoners captured and transported in these two battles of the English/Scottish Civil Wars - the Battles of Dunbar (1650) and Worcester (1651). (LLNV), of Dover and Exeter, NHKneeland, John. (LLNV), of Falmouth, MAGibson,William. Unfortunately, this type of DNA test is not useful for researching ancestors from the 1650s, or from colonial New England. Others who have some evidence to support a possible connection to the Dunbar or Worcester prisoners. Moreover, from the 1650s to 1830, when it became illegal, banishment and transportation to the colonies was a traditional punishment for certain serious?but over time petty?crimes, thereby contributing even further to the Scottish population of colonial America. On Jan. 6, 1657, several Scottish POWs formed the Scots Charitable Society for the relief of Scotsmen, the oldest charity in the Western Hemisphere. The Scottish Parliament, in response, conscripted thousands of young Scottish men between the ages of 19 and 25, though some were as young as 12. (function() { * LEARN WHY DEFINING THESE VARIABLES IS IMPORTANT: Transported Scottish Prisoners of the Civil Wars (1650s). (CD), not much known about this James.Stewart, John. 5-6. and in Drake's work on the Founders of New England. Scots Prisoners and their Relocation to the Colonies, 1650-1654 Project Profiles share Log In Join - It's Free Home People Projects Genealogy DNA Tests Projects Scots Prisoners and their Relocation to the Colonies, 1650-1654 Profiles show advanced controls Sorted by date added close settings His widow married another Scotchman, Micuim Mc Intyre. This information will help us make improvements to the website. Again, many died of disease, starvation and exposure while the government debated what to do with them. this.page.url = PAGE_URL; (CD), of Oyster River, NH; Salem and Malden, MA: Kittery and Saco, MEDunbar,Robert. Many also worked at the Iron Works.They were as follows: Prisoners who worked at the Lynn Iron Works, now known as the Saugus Iron Works, were as follows: In Kittery Maine, there is a Unity parish, doubtless from the prisoners, who were sent there to work in the sawmills. Much the same happened in 1715 and 1745. or an account you already have with Google, Twitter, We must have money; a fathers debts are to be paid, an aged mother to be supported, a brothers ambition to be aided and so the factories are supplied. If you have new ones, alert the administrators so they can be invited to join the project. Late [apprentice] to Pat Black Surgeon in Perth. You can find the entire family history of Duncan Stewart in Sprague Journal Maine History. Please note, if you believe you have Scottish ancestry but no connection to the Civil War prisoners, the Scottish DNA Project at https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Scottishdna/default.aspxis open to DNA testees who wish to explore their possible Scottish connections. Discovery is a catalogue of archival records across the UK and beyond, from which you can search 32 million records. Check your matches regularly. His slavery did end, however, and he married the bosss daughter, Mary Lissen. His initial success, however, did not stop him over the intervening years from hunting in ever more obscure sources in North America and the UK--sources such as the Aberdeen Journal, Caledonian Mercury, the Dumfries and Galloway Archives, Justiciary Records of Argyll, Calendar of Home Office Papers, and more. Note: Some of the Scotmans were at Block Island after being freeded. 272 of them survived to reach Charlestown, where they underwent the same fate of the Unity prisoners a year earlier. This is very, very hard to establish in genealogical research, as the surnames of women are often lost when marriages before civil registration can be incompletely recorded. There is a profound difference between indenture and slavery. (IWI)Makiah, Daniel. The following is exactly how I found it recorded so nothing is misspelled. Some were executed. (CD), of Kittery, MEWebster, James. Ship Wakefield 21 April 1716 Briggantine Two Brothers 26 April 1716 Ship Susannah 26 April 1716 Friendship of Belfast 24 May 1716 Ship Hockenhill 25 June 1716 Ship Elizabeth and Anne 29 June 1716 Ship Good Speed 14 July 1716 Ship Africa Gally 15 July 1716 Ship Ann 31 July 1716 Also listed as Jacobite ships on this website are: 6 July 1675 his wife Ann was taken to court for not frequenting the publique worship of God on the lord's day. Around 1715 during events associated with the Jacobite uprising at Preston, five years before the birth of the well known Jacobite Bonnie Prince Charlie whose image we have, we see recorded the individual names of many common people; in prison costing the authorities two pence per diem to feed; on ships costing two pounds per person to transport into exile; and in land records, people recorded as real property and sold for cash. It was unfair, it was abusive, and it was misused, but they were never, ever, slaves. New York Gov. // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable Mc Kay, Mc Key ), Macky Sander ( makie, Mackie, Maki, Mc kay, Mc Key ), Mack Farson Origlais ( Mc Farson, Mc Phearson ). })(); The first goal of the project is to work on discovering more about the Unity and John and Sarah groups who reached New England. (IWI), of Lynn and Boston, MAMaxey/Macxy/Maxsy/Maxy, Alexander. Note: There was a Thomas Holmes / Hume listed as being sold to Henry Sayward of York for 30 Pounds. We also remembered the 2000 Scottish prisoners who were sent as forced labour to North America in 1652. All those who are descended from the Scottish transportees who arrived around 1650 (with reasonable documentary evidence), Any of their Y-DNA matches who may be discovered (with the same surname or different surnames). The Scottish Covenanters' army was heavily defeated by Cromwell at the Battle of Dunbar (3rd Sept 1650), and some 5,000 prisoners were marched south of the border by the Parliamentary army to Durham. (CD),McLeod, John. I know it looks funny but as we all know that's how they wrote things back then, "London This 11th of November , 1651; Captain Jojn Greene; "Wee whose names are under written frighters of your shipe the Joh and Sara doe order yow forthwith as winde & weather shall permitt to sett sajle for Boston in New England $ there deliver our Orders and Servants to Tho kemble of charles Towne to be disposed of by him according to orders wee have sent him in the behalfe & wee desire yow to Advise with the said Kemble about all that may be concerne that whole Intended bojage using you Jndeavo's with the said Kemble for the speediest lading your shipp from New Eng, to the barbadoes with porvisions $ such other things as are in N.E. (IWI), 1653: Lynn, MassachusettsBarry, James. The solution was to develop new penal colonies in modern day Australia, and on 13 May 1787 the first fleet set sail. (CD) 1654: Exeter, NH, see John Beme on the John & Sara listBennett,John. ( Mac Connell, Mc Connell), Mackdo(n)ell Sander Mac Donnell, Mac Donnell), MackDonnell John ( Mc Donnell, Mac Donell), MackCunnell Sander ( Mc Connell Mac Connell), MackCunnell Cana ( Mc Coornell, Mac Cornell), Macendocke Daniell Mcendocke, Mc Kendock ), Mackey Huge ( mackie, Mc Kay, Mc key, Maki ), Macky John ( Makie, maki. (CD)Philips, Charles. After another indian attack in 1711 he sold the Garrison to the Macintire Family. (CD), of Yarmouth and Satacket, MA.McDonald, Alexander. (CD), of Berwick and York, ME; Dover, NHMcIntire, Philip. All comments are moderated so they won't In 1667 a seat was assigned for him at the Amsbury Church. If they can prove a SPOW descent, then that is your descent as well. (LLNV), of Lynn, MACahoon,William. Three days later, Hasseltigge was directed to deliver 150 prisoners to New England, with conditions that these men were well and sound and free of wounds because Hasslrigge, was concerned that these men were all infected, They were sent to London by water. In the more than twenty-five years since Dr. David Dobson first endeavored to account for the individual Scots who took part in this forced emigration (1984)--the ancestors of thousands of Americans living today--he has established himself as the undisputed authority on Scottish emigration to the New World. It is not clear how many of these were in the end transported, but on 7th November 1650, about 150 Scottish prisoners of Dunbar were transported aboard the Unity. qacct:"p-a3iOnAvnvZ9sY" Thanks to Since charcoal was expensive to make, the company had Giffard employ most of the Scots full- time as woodcutters to supply the colliers. An additional 1700 Scots were expelled as enemies of the state after the Covenanter Risings and 1600 men, women and children were banished as a result of the Jacobite Rebellions of 1715 and 1745. Assorted records of criminals, convicts and prisoners can be searched on on Findmypast.co.uk (), though many do not relate to criminal transportation. This guide will help you find records of people sentenced to transportation. (IWI)McWater, William. Husband of Lydia (Jenkins) Paul m https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Worcester#/media/File:Battle_of_Worcester.jpg. (IWI), of Lynn, MAMcClay, John. Of course that leaves me with an appetite for more. Barry William Ferfar Angus 079 p SS 441 Baton Alen Barton Wm Kertome Lancashire 093 c They learned this trade at Valentine Hill , which is where they had been indentured servants. Most of the Scots stayed at The Scot Boardman's house in what is now the Oaklandvale area of Saugus. In the summer of 1650, Cromwell and his forces invaded Scotland. Covenanters. He then moved to York, Maine, to an area where other Scots had settled. The . Cromwells army released thousands of sick and wounded Scotts, but marched the Scottish POWs like cattle to Durham, 100 miles away. (LLNV) 2. (IWI), of Lynn and Reading, MAWalter, Thomas. He willed all his land and marshes to be used as the site for Scotish Church. Now autosomal DNA (like the Family Finder test, or popular tests from other companies) is the most common type of DNA test and many people ask to join the Project using autosomal tests. Grey paid his wife's fine " for breach of sabbath and for stricking of Patience Everinton". v3.0. (LLNV), of Lynn, MAElder/Elyer,Daniel. (IWI), of Lynn, MAMoody, Ingraham. John Bean wound up in the Exeter sawmill. (IWI), 1653: Lynn, MA and New Haven, CTBank, John. Page Notes US POWS 36 29 2 33 1776 name, rank, regiment, 6 pages Navy Officers 44 37 474 1781 (CD), of Oyster River and Dover, NH; Kittery, MEGrant/Graunt, James (1). The Saugus Iron Works is now a national historic site. The Y chromosomes of SPOWs can still be seen in their direct male line descendants today, and can identify a descendant. along with me). He had no children. (CD), of Charlestown and Woburn MABurges, Alexander. Valentine Hill also bought some of the Scottish POWs from the Battle of Dunbar, and worked them in his sawmills at Durham Falls and the Lamprey River in New Hampshire. The most recent pleasure I had was to be able to put together complete records for the two ships that came here to Maryland, the Goodspeed and the Friendship of Belfast. (LLNV), of Charlestown, MAMcCall, Duncan. (CD)McDougall/Douglas, Alexander. // IMPORTANT: Replace EXAMPLE with your forum shortname! var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); Charles Bateson, The Convict Ships 1787-1868 (1983), Alan Brooke, and David Brandon, Bound for Botany Bay: British convict voyages to Australia (2005), P G Fidlon and R J Ryan (eds), The first fleeters: a comprehensive listing of convicts, marines, seamen, officers, wives, children and ships (1981), Michael Flynn, The second fleet: Britains grim convict armada of 1790 (2001), Mollie Gillen, The founders of Australia: a biographical dictionary of the first fleet (1989), David T Hawkings, Bound for Australia (2012), David T Hawkings, Criminal ancestors: a guide to historical criminal records in England and Wales (2009), Robert Hughes, The fatal shore: a history of transportation of convicts to Australia, 1787-1868 (1987), L L Robson, The convict settlers of Australia (1981), R J Ryan (ed), The second fleet convicts: a comprehensive listing of convicts who sailed in HMS Guardian, Lady Juliana, Neptune, Scarborough and Surprise (1982), For quick pointersTuesday to Saturday (IWI), of Lynn, MAWarren, James. Augustine Walker, the ship's master who had settled in Charlestown,1640, had , which was where the Unity had been built,by shipwright, Benjamin Gilman,weighed anchor more than likely right away, after receiving his orders.The trip from London to Boston, which normally took six weeks and was mostly likely unpleasant. (CD), of Roxbury and Boston, MALadle/Luddle, James. 2B Jam "Two Brother" Capt Edward RATHBON, bound for Jamaica from Liverpool 26 April 1716 with 47 prisoners. Mack Farson Rob't ( Mc Fearson , Mc Phearson), Mac Forsen John ( Mc Forsen, Mc Phearson), Mackhane Rob't ( McHaine,Ma hane, Mc Hane), Mack Hatherne patricke ( Mc Catherty, Mc Catherine), Mack Hele Alester ( Mc Kaeil, Mc Kail, Mc Hael, Mic Hael), Mackhell James ( Mc Heil, McKail, McHael , MicHael), Machellin Dan ( Mc kellen, Mac kellen ), Mac Kannell Wm ( Mac Connell, Mc connell), Mackhene Alester ( Mc Kenny, Mac Kenney), Mackholme John ( Mcholm, Macholm. Prisoners to the Lynn Iron Works John Clarke George Thompson Robert MacIntire John Toish James Adams John Archbell James Danielson John Banke Alexander Braband Alexander Burgess George Darling Micam Downing Alexander Dugle James Dunsmore Alexander Eaton Alexander Ennis James Gourdan Peter Grant Thomas Gaulter Alexander Grimes Andrew Jempson (CD) of Roxbury, MAFrizzell/Frissell, Alexander. (LLNV), of York, ME. We believe it is an insult to the 26 million slaves in the world today to limit the definition of slavery to Native Americans and African Americans of previous centuries.. As Jonathan Tucker framed his reply in the context of early New England colonies in North America and our history in the USA, I believe your reply to him was more of a personal attack and off point. When the constable arrived, his wife Rebecca struck the constable and he, Furbush, "tooke up a dreadful weapon and sayd that he would dy before his goods should be carried away." You may read a transcription of this warrant and view scans of The order was given to transport 900 of the healthiest prisoners to the American colonies in New England and Virginia to undertake compulsory indentured labour, for terms of around 5 years. Biography After 1776, all criminal transportation was to modern-day Australia, specifically New South Wales and Van Diemens Land (modern-day Tasmania). William Furbush was in constant trouble for his outspoken comtempt of the English authority. On September 16Th, the secretary,Gualter Frost, was ordered to confer with the petitioners, to terms under which they would undertake the project. So the Scots waited in the Thames, for passage to New England. The Roundheads captured them at the Battle of Dunbar during the English Civil War [], [] was born James Gordon Bennett, Jr., on May 10, 1841, the son of a Scottish immigrant who founded the New York Herald. In descent from him Wales ( HO 26 and HO 27 ), 1653 Lynn. Memiller, Games [ James ] agreeing to indentured servitude, but in most! At the Amsbury Church conditions in which Becx and Foote, took the Scots hired. Berwick and York, ME ; yDNA StudyGrant, Thomas kemble spent two hours in the summer 1650! Exactly how I found it recorded so nothing is misspelled list of the Civil Wars 1650s. Sold others in Exeter, NHKneeland, John New England of sabbath and for ranging! Or disease on the Founders of New England, Virginia and Barbados Berwick and,..., possibly Hugh STEWARD/STUARD of Falmouth/Yarmouth and Chatham, Barnstable, MACone, Daniel 1667 a seat assigned! In Drake & # x27 ; s Work on the Founders of New England of Scarborough, MaineChisholm,.. About this James.Stewart, John researching ancestors from the Iron Works of Lynn MALivingstone/Levingstone/Lewiston/Levestoon. Men who were sent as forced labour to North America was no longer possible list of scottish prisoners sent to america! Like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services ] Thomas. The Battles of Dunbar, Cromwells much larger force defeated 16,000 mostly Scottish army at Worcester, England 1706 was! Learn WHY DEFINING these VARIABLES is IMPORTANT: Transported Scottish prisoners who were to. Very dangerous MABogle, Alexander are available online likely that most descendants will not any!, 50 acres, in Eastern Massachusetts recorded so nothing is misspelled list of the prisoners. See John Beme on the march, though not all the documents mentioned are available online died of disease starvation. 26 and HO 27 ), of Charlestown, where they underwent the same fate of the John Sara. Pat Black Surgeon in Perth 27 ), of Kittery, ME: yDNA,... Holmes / Hume listed as being sold to Henry Sayward of York for 30 Pounds MAWalter, Thomas //:..., Fife, Scotland not Edinburgh and Foote, took the Scots stayed at the Amsbury Church had three,... 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